Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Power of the Mind, Part 2

Probably the most common thing people think about when someone mentions using the mind and treasure hunting is dowsing. Dowsing maps or dowsing in the field is a form of mind power and some people are better at it than others. By studying dowsing you can learn about how it works and what it takes to dowse. You might even be able to become an accomplished dowser. By knowing how to dowse it can help you open your mind up when in the field even if you are not dowsing and possibly find those clues you may have missed. Some people would call this getting a gut feeling or intuition, for the women treasure hunters in the crowd.

I would recommend that every one read something on dowsing, either a book or pages from different web sites, etc. and then try some dowsing on your own. You can use a set of rods you can make yourself or a pendulum made from just about anything and a piece of string. Practice with whichever method you choose and see how it works for you. Having an open mind when treasure hunting will increase your chances at seeing things you normally wouldn’t and finding things that you didn’t expect. Whether you call it luck, a gut feeling, intuition or good mojo, it’s all about using your mind, even if you don’t know it.

In my opinion, the basics of dowsing are about connecting to an energy source that encompasses everything on earth. If you have seen any of the old Star Wars movies you can think of that energy as “The Force”. You can call me Yoda if it helps! By tapping into this energy you are getting information that travels along the energy field, kind of like plugging an appliance into a wall outlet. Providing you have paid your electric bill, the electricity is always there, you just have to plug into it.

If you have never dowsed before you might try the bent rods first and see what happens. A lot of people are able to locate water using rods and if you practice, you can find just about anything once you have trained your mind to look for that object. A simple test to see how sensitive you might be with rods is to make a pair and then go out into your yard and locate your water line. If you can do it several times and at different spots along the line then you are probably ready to try something more. Have someone hide an object in your yard for you to find. Concentrate on what that object is and continue to concentrate on it as you walk around with the rods and see if you can locate what was hidden. It doesn’t have to be buried.

If you want to get answers to questions, in a yes or no fashion, then dowsing with a pendulum could be the thing for you. In using a pendulum you are allowing it to swing freely and it will swing one way for yes and another way for no. I have read where some dowsers “train” their pendulums to swing a certain way for yes and another way for no but I have found that if you let the pendulum do it’s own thing it seems to be more accurate, at least for me. In most cases a pendulum will swing in a clockwise motion for one and a counterclockwise motion for the other. In my case the pendulum swings front to back for one and side-to-side for the other.

It’s my opinion that trying to train the pendulum to do what you want it to do interferes with what the pendulum is meant to do in the first place but I guess that can go either way.

There are charts that you can buy or make that shows yes and no along with numbers or letters on them so that you can hold the pendulum in front of or over the chart and let the pendulum swing in the direction of the letter or number or the words yes or no. This technique is kind of how a map dowser works. A map dowser will hold the pendulum at the edge of a map and ask it to swing in the direction of the location. They will do this continually around the map until narrowing down a spot on the map where the pendulum basically draws a line from two different directions forming a cross over the spot. There are some variations on this method and every dowser has his or her own specific method of dowsing a map.

You can buy a ready made pendulum or you can make one out of just about anything but you may need to try two or three different kinds to find something that works best for you. Even the slightest bit of difference in weight seems to have an effect on how well they work. It’s a lot about feeling comfortable with the pendulum you are using. When you use a pendulum you have to have a clear mind. You have to concentrate on what you are asking and you can’t drift off thinking about work or something else during the process. I tend to only be able to dowse for 20-30 minutes at a time before I find myself my tiring and loosing concentration. Can anybody say A.D.D.? It has also been my experience that you have to be precise in your questions when asking them.

You may find yourself asking a question like “can I find this buried treasure?” This appears to be simple enough but like I have tried to teach my youngest daughter, what you CAN do and what you WILL do can be two completely different things. That would mean that the proper question to ask would be “will I find this treasure?” So when you phrase your questions, think about them clearly and be precise. I find that it helps to write down the questions before I start work with a pendulum so that I’m not trying to think up questions while dowsing.

In the Part One of this article I talked about thinking positive and clearing your mind. These are two very important things in dowsing. Your mind has to be clear of the clutter to get the correct answers and you have to believe that you can dowse or you won’t be able to.

I’m sure your wondering if I have been successful at dowsing, I can’t say that I have ever found treasure by dowsing but it has lead me to a couple of clues. I have been able to answer questions using a pendulum that affect my everyday life including dowsing the sex, date of birth and time of birth of my first grandchild months before she was born. I can say that it has been a very interesting experience and one that I am still researching and trying to perfect.

If you have ever wondered at all about dowsing I would urge you to read more about it and the different ways it can be done. I apologize to the real dowsers out there for butchering the “how to” of your art but I’m just trying to cover the basics here in a short article.

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