Thursday, March 6, 2008

Horse and Saddle Map

Ever since Steve Wilson published this map on page 144 of his book, Oklahoma Treasures and Treasure Tales, people have debated as to where the true location of this map is. I will give you enough clues as to figure this out for yourself.

If you look at top (North) of the map you will see two letters m and c. This is Medicine Creek. It was known by that name in the 1870's as well as today. I have it outlined in blue on both maps. This is your first clue as to the location

The red line represents the old trail that was used for years and is a road today. There is still a road that crosses between the two mountains as shown on Wilson's map. Please ignore the #13 drawn on the map along side of the red line. I have loaned out my copy of the book and had to use a copy of the map that had been sent to me. I overlooked the number when I was cleaning it up to use here and it's not original to the map.

The long green line on Wilson's map is giving you the distance from the mountain to to the horse and saddle. It's 1.25 miles. Look at the bottom of the green line and you will see a tree with three lines coming out of the trunk. Now look at the area to the upper left of the horses head. Do you see those same three marks? Now follow the small green line to the left of the horse. Notice the tree and a long leg Y looking symbol on the mountain. These same symbols can be found at the top of long green line on the same map.

Years ago there was a spoon with three drill holes in it found on this mountain that the long leg Y symbol is on. I have included a picture of these mountains looking from the east to the west just as you would when working this map. Unfortunately most of the area this map covers is on federal property and off limits to treasure hunters. I'm fairly sure Frank James recovered this one as his name was carved into the log of a miners cabin very near the site. He was also known to have spent some time in the area searching for this and others caches the gang had made. Wells Blevins had another version of this map that was drawn onto his table cloth by an old outlaw. He is pictured holding it in Wilson's book. The map was for sale a couple of years ago.

I have now given you enough information to figure out where this map went to. Log onto google earth and take a look for yourself and see if the map fits my explaination. You can find the link here on the blog. I could have included more detail, but I think it's more fun if you do the research on your own.

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