Sunday, June 22, 2008

2nd Annual Treasure Hunters Get Together

I would like to start this article off by thanking 2late2dig and his lovely wife for hosting all of us treasure hunters in their neck of the woods. As usual, they took very good care of everyone, even going to the extreme of renting out a large, air conditioned lodge to hold the meeting in. I know this was greatly appreciated by others and myself since it was 90 degrees outside and felt even worse due to the ever present, almost stifling Oklahoma humidity. There were several door prizes on hand including some very good books and even an 1889 silver dollar.

For those of you that couldn’t make it, you missed a good meeting. We had 18 people at this one including a couple of those KGC guys. Oh lighten up, it’s a joke! These were a couple of nice guys with a good sense of humor. They gave as good as they got and all had a good time. One of their group couldn't make it this time because of health reasons and he was missed. Hopefully next time everyone can be there.

There was lots of information shared and learned by everybody. It seemed everyone had something to share and didn’t mind sharing it. Just the way a get together should be. 2Late had an actual clean copy of the copper map that was found in the teakettle by Joe Hunter back in the 30’s. There is a really big difference between the actual map and the published version so this was a treat for more than one treasure hunter. There were several photos of a few different treasure sites showing carvings and markers (outlaw and Spanish), an original Jesse James map and Ray was very gracious to bring the actual watch that was in the teakettle with the copper map and other items when Joe Hunter found it. This is a true piece of history and a once in a lifetime thing to see and handle this watch. History buffs and treasure hunters alike should get goose bumps holding something that was actually put in the ground for safe keeping by Frank and Jesse James. The watch is in pristine shape. Thank you Ray!

If you came to this meeting hungry you undoubtedly left full. The lunch at the Plantation Restaurant in Medicine Park was a good meal with the portions big enough to feed the hungriest appetite!

If a prize was going to be given for the most miles traveled to attend the get together then it would have gone to “Mr. Hawaii”. Yea, I didn’t believe it at first either but he actually came all the way from Honolulu to be at the meeting. Of course he was going to spend a few days at a treasure site he has in Oklahoma too. A really nice treasure site I might add! Mr. Hawaii and his partner were kind enough to share several photos from their site with any one that was interested. I don’t want to say where this site is but if you are familiar with Oklahoma treasure stories this would make your mouth water. I would like to personally thank Mr. Hawaii for his input on one of my treasure sites, the information was something I never thought of and will be put to use the next time I’m on the site. I would have also taken your flight back to Hawaii for you if you wanted to stay in Oklahoma a little longer! It wouldn't have been a problem, really!

As I mentioned earlier there were several door prizes given away. One of these prizes was an 1889 silver dollar. Before lunch Mr. Hawaii had told one of the female attendees that if he won the silver dollar he would give it to her. When the drawing was held after lunch he actually won the silver dollar and true to his word, he immediately gave it to the woman he had promised it to. Now that’s a man you want to treasure hunt with!

Thanks to all who attended and thanks again to 2late and his wife for hosting the get together and supplying all of the drinks and prizes.

I intentionally didn’t use very many real names in this article because I wasn’t sure who would or wouldn’t want their name published on the blog. You know how us treasure hunters are! I have posted a few photos though of some of the folks who attended. All of the books on the table were door prizes that were given away. Hopefully everyone will make it back to the next meeting and enjoy themselves and learn.

See you next year if not before.

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