Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Those Crazy Lines

The photo I have posted with this article is from a carved map left behind by an outlaw. This symbol is another one of those things that doesn’t mean anything when looked at out of context. You have to have worked the map up to this point for this “instruction” to actually tell you anything useful.

The main “instruction” of this particular symbol is “take a line”. Take a line from where you ask? You did ask that didn’t you? That’s where looking at this carving out of context will confuse the crap out of you. You have to work the map and find the point at which you take the line. Knowing where that point is and HOW you got to that point is just as important as knowing that this symbol is telling you to take a line. Without knowing where you are supposed to be you won’t know where to take the line to.

If you will notice the top of this line has a small connecting line going off to the left. This small line indicates the line you took to the last clue from the one just before that. Since this short line intersects with the long line of this symbol at a 90 degree angle this symbol is telling you to make a 90 degree turn from the last clue you found and follow that line. In other words, the corner of the two lines is the location of the clue you should be standing at when you get ready to take or follow this line.

Another detail you should notice is that the short line is beveled toward the bottom. This symbol came from the same map the last symbol I wrote about came from. This beveling on the short line tells you that “down hill” is on your right as you followed that line. This will give you the information you need to know which direction to make the 90 degree turn towards. The long line is taking you down hill since it is on the same side as the beveling on the short line.

Looking at even more detail in this symbol you will see that the first part of the long section of line has a “dip” to it before the rest of the line straightens out. As I said in the previous article about the “O” symbol, this outlaw was very detailed in his map for some reason. At this point in the map that dip represents going down hill for a portion of the line you are taking and then you hit flat ground and continue the line out. The “dip” portion of the line is meant to indicate “downhill” and show you that there is a transition of terrain as you follow this line and that you shouldn’t stop at the bottom of the hill.

Keep in mind I think this particular outlaw was a little anal with his symbols because I have never seen another carved map with this kind of detail in it. There is detail and then there is this guy! With that said, you should also always keep it in your mind that there are details in maps that will help you interpret your symbols. If the person who carved the map put the information there then it is probably important.

Unless of course they are trying to trick you with a lot of nonsense symbols but we’ll save that for another article.


Keith Ranville said...

Keith Ranville of oak island treasure news

Kool Blog okie treasure hunter I have a treasure searching blog to

okie treasure hunter said...

Thanks keith. Send us the link to your blog and we will see about adding it to our links section.