Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Civil War treasure in Tennessee

Yea, I know, that's pretty much a no brainer but..............

For those of you that get to Crockett County, TN you may want to spend some time looking around the Forked Deer River.

Back before the Civil War started there was a man by the name of Solomon Shaw who owned a factory and a mill near Quincy, Tennessee. Mr. Shaw liked to keep his liquid assets close to his home. These liquid assets, in the form of hard gold coins were kept in his home until the start of the Civil War. At that time Mr. Shaw felt it prudent to load all of his gold coins into three wooden “nail kegs” and bury them in separate spots.

In 1863 some nefarious characters showed up at the Solomon Shaw plantation and tried to force Mr. Shaw into telling them where his money was. They did this by stringing him up in a tree hoping he would beg for mercy and give up the gold. However, either the bad guys weren’t paying attention or Mr. Shaw was more stubborn than they thought because Mr. Shaw died while hanging from the tree, never giving up the locations of the gold coins.

After the civil war ended Mrs. Shaw found out that her husband had loaded the three kegs of gold onto a wagon with one of their trusted servants and headed to the Forked Deer River about two miles north of the plantation. Once there he and the servant buried each of the kegs in separate spots. It is said they traveled along a well used wagon road which today is known as Nance Road. The servant told Mrs. Shaw that the three kegs were buried “just off the road between the river and the plantation”. I wonder how many feet are in a “just”? Apparently it is more, or maybe less, than some people think because Mrs. Shaw was unable to find the three kegs of coins.

The plantation was located four miles north of present day Alamo at the spot where Nance Road and Highway 152 meet.

Hopefully the location of the three kegs hasn’t been paved over by now. Keep in mind that the nail kegs are probably long disintegrated but the gold should be sitting there in a nice little pile for the lucky person who finds it. Providing of course it hasn’t already been uncovered by accident in the past. Make sure you do your research!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried calling the church of God Alamo tn on corner of Nance and hwy 152 , and asked if I could metal detect. I figured since it was built in 2011 I thought maybe its a chance the church parking lot and building could have possibly covered it so I asked if I could metal detect around the area and I was basically hung up on. I just wonder if the land owner found the treasure and built a church.a also on Google maps it was a gigantic mansion sitting way off behind the church that looked from the past and had an old slave type house or barn way off to side of that that had trees growing up in and around it so looks like great spot to begin . I'm going to call church back and see if I can speak to some one that can help me get permission. Idk?